Early Forms of Written Communication

The earlier forms of written communication date back all the way to 30th century BC.

Image result for Sumerian Cuneiform

The Sumrian Cuneiform was the earliest form of written communication, it came about in the summer and it was estimated to be around 30th century BC. This form of written communication was represented on clay and after a while this system was replaced by Phoenician Alphabet.

The Phoenician Alphabet

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The Phoenician Alphabet was developed form the Proto-Canaanite during the 15th Century BC. The modern alphabet that we now know was based off of this system, the Greek, Etruscan, Latin, Arabic and Hebrew alphabet are some examples of alphabets that can be said are based of the Phoenician Alphabet.

The Egyptian Hieroglyphics

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This form of written technology could represent the sound of an object and or they could represent an idea associated with the object. This was usually represented on papyrus or wood. The bad this about papyrus was that after a while it would disintegrate as it was made of dried reeds so it was easily destroyed.


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