The Influence of Subjectivity and Objectivity on History and Mass Communication

What does it mean to be subjective and objective?

Subjectivity is defined as being influenced by feelings or emotions, and what this means is that your interpretation of history may be influenced by your beliefs or how the story makes you feel; while Objectivity is defined as not being influenced by feelings, emotions or beliefs and just believe the facts that are being presented.

History is a topic that can be seen as subjective or objective or maybe even both. History is interpreted so many different ways by so many different people that it can be seen as subjective, but on the other hand these events did in fact take place and so that can make history objective.

Whether a person’s opinion about history is objective or subjective is all decided by if they are influenced by the interpretations of the events that happened or whether they care more about the fact that the event took place and they are not focused on the opinions of others on the event. This can also be tied in with mass communication and media, because stories are published about events that happened and so many different people will report and put their own spin on the story and people will read the stories and make opinions it which can make those people subjective, but there is the fact that the story did happen and there are people that will focus on the facts which makes those people objective.

In conclusion, history and mass communication can both be seen as subjective and objective because the stories produced have been influenced by the people writing said stories and then there is the fact that the events did happen that can’t be influenced by people’s opinions.

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